
Wednesday 25 September 2013

Auckland Champs

At the ABA stadium, there was boxing tournament for the Auckland Champs. My fight was the third one for that day.  So I started to warm up for approximately 5 minutes. I had a rest because my coach told me to. My friend was in the first fight, so she warmed up longer than me. When my friend fought, she won by unanimous decision.

During the second fight, I had to warm up again because my fight was after the fight that was on.
My victorious friend told me to say a prayer and ask God for help, so I did. When the second fight was over, one of the judges called my name to come into the boxing ring, I was filled with confidence and rage. When I walked into the ring, the referee told my opponent and I to touch gloves and get back into our corners, I was in the red corner.

As soon as the bell rang, I went all out on round one and two, but when it was the third round I was tired. When the fight was over, the referee announced that it was a majority win to the blue corner. After the announcement, I had shaken my opponents hand and walked out of the ring with no regrets. My dad and my coaches were proud of me because getting a majority decision with a tall and more experienced guy is hard.

I now know that I have to train hard from now onwards so that I can get better, faster and fitter.


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